About Us
Action for Food Production (AFPRO) is a socio-technical development organization that provides socio-technical support in the areas of Agriculture, Food Security and Livelihood, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Watershed Management/Natural Resource Management, Climate Change and Renewable Energy. It reaches out to poor and marginalized communities throughout India, particularly small and marginal farmers, landless and tribal segments of Indian society. AFPRO is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 (Punjab Amendment) Act 1957 as extended to Delhi No.3516.
AFPRO’s Journey with Cotton Farmers, BCI – Project
AFPRO building hopes by project ‘HRIDAY’
Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Tribal Farmers of Chhattisgarh
Sustainable Rural Livelihood: Water Harvesting for Secured Irrigation
The project’s interventions and its impact under the project – EdelGive AFPRO.
Stakeholders Voice
“If we don’t harvest rainwater, future generation will fight for water only specially in Punjab”
मोर पति के गुजर जाने के बाद मोला अब्बड़ दिककत रहिस , येही दरमिआन मोर् लईका मन प्रशिछन करके अईन अऊ नया पद्धति से खेती बाड्डी करेल सिखेहन, वोही में हम्मन्ला अब्बड़ फ़ायदा होहिस, तब हम्मान घर ला बनायाहन , तेकर बर अप मानला बहुत बहुत सेबा जोहार
एक सड़क दुर्घटना के बाद मेहा चल फिर नहीं शको तब मोला ज़िंदगी चलाये भर सोच में पड गेव, तब में अपमान के सहयोगसे महिला समूह में जुडके मशरुम के उत्पादन करथु , अब मोर जेसे महिला केलिए एक रोजगार का माध्यम मिल गे , अब हम महिला लोग अपने परिवार चलने में मदत कराथाबन जेकर भर आप मानला गदा गदा जोहार |
“I am working as a waterman in Hasiruvalli village of Hasiruvalli Gram Panchayat for the past 15 years”. “After implementation of this recharge shaft, we could see great improvement in the water pumping.This should be constructed to all the bore wells”.
Latest News

stakeholders consultation meet
AFPRO North East hosted a successful stakeholders’ consultation meet, officiated by our Executive Director

Governing Body and Annual General Body Meeting held at AFPRO Head Office, New Delhi, September 2024.

President visit to Project Area
The President of AFPRO visited the project area in Balod District, Raipur.

APO Training
Our Executive Director Participated in Multicountry Observational Study Mission on Implementing the Sufficiency Economy Theory to Sustain Community Development.
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