Water bore well recharge Hiking water supply make community water efficient
Water recharge structures changed the way of life for people in Hasiruvallai village, Hasiruvalli Gram Panchayat, Nelamangala ..

Paddy cultivation through the SRI technique and wheat cultivation
Mr. Aghan Singh an old farmer from Sonpuri village was initially doing only paddy cropping. He started paddy cultivation through SRI technique and..

Improved Agriculture and Irrigation Facility Enhancing Lives of Rural Poor
Sunita Devi has 0.5-acre land in the flood zone area of Parghari village, where paddy cultivation was very difficult due to the flood…

Improving Sanitation in rural area – a road to health and hygiene
Radho Manjhi, (40 years old) lives in Khairimal village of E. Champaran, Bihar. He is working as Agricultural labour during harvesting season as …..

Improved Tea Farming Skills with less Chemicals
Chandan Baruah is a Small Tea Grower under Singhi Industry Pvt. Ltd., Golaghat…enrolling in the program has improved his overall ..
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