Project background
This project is being implemented in Ludhiana district of Punjab with a goal to improve the ground water recharge status of project area through water conservation and rain water harvesting interventions. This project integrates three main project components namely; assessing the water security status of the village, reviving existing and creating new water conservation/harvesting structure to balance the demand and supply side and capacitating farmers/water user groups on use of water through awareness programs.
Objective of the programme:
The major objectives are to assess the water security status of project villages; to increase the ground water level by construction of water harvesting structures ; to enhance general awareness and skills through trainings.
Major Interventions and impact:
Constructed 14 Rooftop Rain water harvesting structures in 10 schools of Ludhiana. Through construction of above structures, 3,205,860 Litres of water are being recharged annually. This has benefitted 6175 students of 10 schools of Ludhiana.UBL under its CSR initiatives aims at identifying and implementing the construction of water conservation structures for water replenishment and recharge of ground water. AFPRO in collaboration with UBL, started the journey of water conservation in year 2020 to improve the groundwater situation in Ludhiana. UBL’s water conservation project initiative has given hope and faith to the village community of Ludhiana about improving the situation. AFPRO with the support of UBL, implemented fourteen roof-top rainwater harvesting structures in ten schools, and six ponds have been rejuvenated for recharge of groundwater in six villages. All ponds are well equipped with solar lights; a total of 35 solar lights were installed under this project. Three piezometers were installed at a strategic pond location for monitoring groundwater levels effectively. The awareness event and workshop were conducted with the aim of empowering and motivating the community about the importance of water.

Funding Agency : United Breweries Limited (UBL)
Duration : April, 2020 to March, 2023
Location : 30 rural and semi urban areas of Ludhiana District, Punjab

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