Project background
Beed is one of the severely drought affected districts of Marathwada region in Maharashtra state. The rainfall data of the district showed decreasing trend along with increase in erraticism. This caused insecure agriculture, the very base livelihood in rural India, hence leading to migration to other parts of the state. The State government has planned for resource conservation and agricultural interventions in some of the villages in this area under POCRA (Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture). Realizing the need for addressing the vulnerabilities of local communities of Beed District, Voltas Ltd. supported the community based water resource management and sustainable agriculture in two blocks namely Ambajogai and Dharur. Through ‘water resource augmentation and ground water management, promotion of sustainable agricultural practices (SAP), developing water stewardship among the stakeholders, and identification and promotion of farm and off-farm livelihood opportunities. The project aims at building capacity of farmers in changing the present situation and improving life quality in a sustainable manner.
Objective of the programme:
Major objectives of the programme are to improve the lives of people through adoption of integrated approach for water and livelihood enhancement in the selected six villages of Ambajogai and Dharur block in Beed district of Maharashtra State, India. Increased Irrigation potential in the project area through creating water conservation structures; economic development of rural women through strengthening of self help groups and promoting small and medium entrepreneurships; promote sustainable agriculture through adoption of better crop management practices such as water management, integrated pest management and integrated nutrient management etc. and develop market linkages ; build the capacities of local institutions/CBOs (water user groups, village development committee, SHGs, farmer’s producer organizations, etc.) for better living conditions, opportunities for development and sustaining interventions.
Major Interventions:
Socio-economic survey of 850 Households (25% of the total HHs) exercise conducted along with Participatory Rural Appraisal. Water resource mapping including hydro-geological study has been carried out. Topographical survey is carried out along with assessment of present land use pattern, soil type, soil quality, etc. Under Water Conservation, constructed 26 Farm pond which will provide protective irrigation to 52 ha of area. Constructed 12 artificial recharge structures to strengthen the ground water source which will gradually increase ground water table. Desiltation of nala deepening and widening completed at 8-sites resulted in creation of 15 TCM additional storage capacity benefitting 400 farmers and 50 no of water sources. Under sustainable agriculture/climate resilient agriculture, five modular Training on integrated farming system for rabi crop conducted for 165 farmers. Developed IEC material on water literacy, sustainable agriculture, water conservation measures, etc. and disseminated among farmers. Six SHGs training programme imparted for strengthening of SHGs particularly for setting up small and medium enterprises.
A total of 12 farmers training on cultivation of rabi and summer crops, integrated pest management and weed management of kharif, rabbi and summer crops was organized with 497 farmers from project villages. Installed and activated 30 vermi composting beds under the project. Reorganized 113 Sahajeeven Samuha’s in project area with involvement of 1550 families and 3100 members. Organized staff exposure to the Yedai Farmer Producer Company, Andora, Tal. Kalam, Dist. Osmanabad to understand the formalities of registration, scope and marketing strategy of Farmer producer organization’s. The work of formation of 1 Farmers producer organization is in progress. Installation of 12 water level indicators is completed for selected observation wells. Six VWC Trainings were organized with 171 members. Nalla deepening and widening work in 5 sites having total length of about 1842 RuM is completed. Excavation work of 12 farm ponds is completed. The work of 6 bore well recharge structures is in progress. Construction of 2 check dams and repair of 2 check dams are in progress at village Umrai. Completed the work of restoration of one percolation tank at village Chichkhandi. Completed total 15 SHG trainings with involvement of 484 participants. Completed 2 skill development trainings on goat & chick rearing with involvement of 59 participants. Provided 40 goats to 10 beneficiaries from the project villages.
Impact of the programme:
Several farmers from village Umrai have started selling of vermi seeds. Farmers started fish rearing in farm Ponds with 41,700 fish seed and investment of Rs. 40,500/-. As result of above water resource development works, we created around 100 TCM of additional water storage capacity.

Funding Agency : Voltas India Ltd.
Duration : August, 2019 to March,2023
Location : Six villages of Dharur and Ambejogai block of Beed District in Maharashtra
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